What animal is the Chameleons?

And by that token, what about Missing? And I’m not just asking this as a “haha Chameleons are animals!” But as a serious question.

I didn’t fully understand tonight’s Missing and Chameleon’s experience. And when I don’t understand something, which happens a fuckton, I try to find a comparison to make it manageable in my head.

So what animals are Missing and The Chameleons?

Missing would be something that can show emotion but in a very subdued way. It wouldn’t be a domesticated animal, like a cat or dog or bird or anything. They would something out in the wild. Like maybe a wild dog. Maybe a wild dog a ton of downers.

If Missing was in fact a drug riddled wild dog, they would be the puppy in the pack. The group would help them succeed while they grow an ignore the drugs in their system.

If you’re not following, Missing are very subdued. They’re young and learning. Tonight, they were the cute puppy high as balls on, I don’t know, Xanax?

But the Chameleons are definitely not chameleons. Chameleons blend in to their surroundings but The Chameleons are unique. Chameleons are pretty slow creatures but The Chameleons have noticeable longevity. Chameleons eat flies and I’m almost certain The Chameleons don’t.

So what should they change their band name to? Something with a bit more bite than an actual chameleon, but not a creature that is literally known for biting. I don’t think they’d be fluffy, but I think something domesticated would be fitting. Maybe something like MacGyver the Lizard.

But even that seems questionable to me. The Chameleons are unique, they have longevity, they’re confident, they aren’t flashy, there’s a little bit of a learning curve to their atmospheric indie style music, and they’re very progressive.

While MacGyver, and puppy lizards in general, is unique, futuristic, and has a learning curve but isn’t too flashy and in your face, I believe he’s only a stepping stone towards the initial question.

So tell me – what animal are the Chameleons actually?

If anyone says I’m a turtle I’ll punch you. But not after making you sign up for my email list.

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