Used CD Review: NOFX – Coaster

I’ve never had covid. Until now. I have covid. And my head fucking hurts. So I thought it would be the perfect time, while sitting at home doing nothing, to listen to Coaster from cover to cover and see what happens.

My head hurts instantly because it’s very fast. My head hurts when I try to follow the lyrics, and then it hurts when it tries to follow the kick drum, and then it hurts when I think about the music.

And that was the first song. The next one made my breathing get caught in my chest ala anxiety because something something covid. But I’m not going to kill myself for your entertainment so I turned off the music. I need to be able to breathe, and I had that ability until the second of this album.

About 5 minutes later, I had the sensation of wanting to vomit. Was it covid related? NOFX related? Both related? I don’t know. But I don’t think I’m going to listen to NOFX on covid again unless I wanna feel horrible.

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