Movie Review: Fear Street Part Three

Oh. Now everything makes sense. Please don’t do what I did and watch this trilogy over the course of days. Watch it over the course of however many hours they are plus credits. The minute things I bitched about previously actually were thematically relevant.

And you get a scene with some sick killers all in one. Was the ending a bit corny? Of course. But was it bloody and neon with cool kills and killers? Also of course. As someone upset about most horror movies for either not being bloody, not having an actual story, being toned down, etc etc, I totally and completely understand the hype Fear Street got when it first came out. It’s a trilogy where every movie has a storyline, every movie has blood, every movie has fun villains, and every movie does actually feed into the other two.

Just… watch it the way it was supposed to be watched – in a dark room over the course of a day.

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