No. But New Kids On The Block did recently release a newly remastered The Block album. All their classics from… that album, but it sounds like it’s from this decade!
I don’t want to age myself, but I was 13 when the original came out and, sorry, but I was past my Aaron Carter phase, who was my bubblegum pop singer of choice. So these songs are all new to me! Not only that, but they kept their star studded features on these remasters!
Which meant I got to enjoy them all for the first time in their new form. And it was… cool. It was alright. I felt like I should be driving a convertible down Hollywood Blvd with girls in the backseat who I paid to be there because that’s the boyband, bubblegum pop life.
And considering it’s full on winter snowing in Colorado right now, a drive down Hollywood Blvd in a convertible with babes, paid or not, in the backseat seems pretty fucking good.
Highlights: Big Girl because it has Lady Gaga and I’m a sucker for post chorus transitions. And Summertime because it has the same progression as TI’s Live Your Life, which we all know from The Hangover. And The Hangover is a guilty pleasure of mine, so I like things that remind me of it. I’m a basic bitch.
Lowlights: Don’t Cry. I hate pop ballads.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s nice to see something new from that era of music. I just wish it was, you know, new. I want NKOTB to spearhead a boyband revival! Bring back bubblegum pop!
Which, maybe they are. Considering they’re going on tour in 2024 across North America.