Better Lovers are Very Responsible

If you’re new here, welcome. If not, you know I’ve been posting a lot about Better Lovers. Dudes are making moves, what can I say?

A lot. Because I have their debut album in my… computer. And I’m going to tear it to fucking shreds.

If possible. Screamed, primitive, aggressive style lyrics are usually mood dependent for me. But with Better Lovers, those style of lyrics don’t over stay their welcome. Before I can say, “well, I’m not angry enough for this,” Better Lovers brings out the grungy singing. And maybe that’s why, to me, Better Lovers “Highly Irresponsible” album is a really easy listen, regardless of if I’m rightly pissed the fuck off or petting a puppy.

It has the aggression you want from someone exorcising the microphone, grungy vocal melodies to latch onto, and hardcore guitar riffs that use dissonance that, for some reason, artists avoid so much nowadays. They’re like if 80’s skater punk was made by someone born this century.

HIGHLIGHTS: Lie Between The Lines. It’s track 1 and is a perfect example of the above – pissed off screaming, grunge singing, dissonant guitar riffs to latch onto. A White Horse Covered In Blood has a pleasant, old school punk vibe reminiscent of Suicidal Tendencies, which is obviously a plus for me since that makes it a fucking highlight. Future Myopia, with its harmonized vocals and guitar, has a chorus straight from Ear Candy Central.

LOWLIGHTS: Drowning In A Burning World, when juxtaposed (that means compared to you fucking idiots out there) to the other tracks on the album, lacks the ear candy or contrast that’s making me really dig Better Lovers. Everything Was Put Here For Me is full force 100% of the time, but it’s in the middle of the album where some relief is need. Same with Superman Died Paralyzed – it’s one of the last tracks but sounds like it should be at the beginning of the album – at this point in the album, my ears are tired and need a break, which this song very much is not.

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