Cattle Decapitation Unveils “A Photic Doom” Video

Watch Cattle Decapitation’s “A Photic Doom” video HERE

Today marks the official unveiling of Terrasite, the herculean tenth studio album from San Diego, California-based deathgrind behemoths, CATTLE DECAPITATION, out now on Metal Blade Records!

Though many bands have tried, no one articulates the real apocalypse humanity is facing as vividly and succinctly as CATTLE DECAPITATION. With 2019’s Death Atlas, they reached the apex of this, perhaps leading some to believe they had no place left to go beyond such an achievement, but alas, the band returns with Terrasite, which is as bold a statement as they have ever made. Roaring to life with the savage yet hauntingly melodic “Terrasitic Adaptation” and advancing through the likes of the relentless “We Eat Our Young” and culminating with the ten-plus minutes of “Just Another Body,” it’s an album that constantly shifts dynamics and demands a variety of emotional responses.

Elaborates guitarist Josh Elmore, “All the CATTLE hallmarks are there; ripping blasts, abrasive and aggressive guitar/bass riffs and [vocalist] Travis [Ryan]’s varied vocal approach; but this record just feels different. There’s a deep richness to the guitar tones and a more prominent bass guitar presence, the drums parts are assaultive, but tasteful and Travis’ vocals are as varied as they’ve ever been but with an added emotional depth. The whole record sounds like a somber panic attack; like mourning the loss of a loved one at Mach 3. The trademark CATTLE intensity is always there, but this time at paces that range from frantic to controlled and driving but with more focus on menacing heaviness. The ambient and effect-laden guitar presence also takes up a much larger part of the whole experience.

In celebration of the release of Terrasite, today the band has unleashed a video for “A Photic Doom.” Offers Ryan of the track, “[The lyrics for “A Photic Doom”] are more of just a metaphor for being alone in your head and turning away from the life that is exposed by the light of day. Shaking your fist at the sun for exposing this place to us. For uncovering the depravity of our species and casting light onto subjects rather than letting them rest in the darkness.

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