Classic ass punk with the Dwarves Concept Album

20 songs. None of them more than 3 minutes. That’s the Dwarves new album and solidifies why they’re still hitting heavy in the punk rock scene.

Because no one needs to hear a fucking punk ballad. Give me a couple choruses, a couple verses, and move the fuck on over for a new song.

Even if that song is fucking disgusting, as the Dwarves are known to do. Masturbation? Check. Squirting? Everybody does it. Hijacking the airline I used to use? Well, it’s a good thing I don’t use Southwest anymore.

I know there’s a naked girl gracing the cover of this album and this page, but don’t let that fool you – this album is anything but sexy and intellectual. It’s raw, gross, punchy, challenging, catchy, harmonic, heavy… anything but smart and sexy.

Highlights: Do It All The Time is one of, if not the, best song on the album. And it’s not just because I’m from Colorado and it’s about doing drugs. It’s the beat, the groove, and the fact it gets stuck in my head all the fucking time. Fortunately, in Colorado, everyone does do it all the time, so no one looks at me weirdly when I sing this in public. But if they did, also, I don’t care.

Lowlights: Stabbed My Dad. It’s like 45 seconds of killing your dad. I might put out the vibe of not caring about anything anywhere at all, but I do actually care about some things. That being said, the real crime is it’s basically just a chorus and one measly chorus isn’t going to get stuck in my head!

If you’re not in the mood to listen to punk rock, you’re going to not like this. It’s very much punk rock. Go watch your rom-droms elsewhere and come back when you’re ready for your balls to drop.

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