This refers to the fact the Mercy Music, Ignite, and Strung Out came to town, and not only did they not play the Fillmore, but they didn’t even sell out the Gothic.
What in the chicken fried fuck Denver? Look, I’ll give you a pass for Mercy Music. I didn’t know who they were either. But let’s get on the same page:

They played like they wanted to earn their success. Or maybe they just knew who they were preceding and didn’t want to be embarrassed. Regardless, due to their consistent hangtime, consistent chemistry, and consistent face tattoos, they were the first band I’ve seen yet that I felt like the least I could do is buy a shirt. They truly, truly earned it.
And full cap, or whatever the kids say, the design isn’t super great guys. But you fucking earned our support and I consider it one of my better concert purchases based solely on the fact that it bought you a gallon of gas.
But the rest Denver – you know Ignite, you know Strung Out, where the fuck were you? This is turning into me just bitching, but you deserve it. You got your thumbs up your ass one minute and in your mouth the next minute. What did Ignite and Strung Out do to you? They’re fun, aggressive punks not afraid to cozy with y’all. But for some reason, you’re scared of them?

I’m putting this show on the Must See List for two reasons. One, because of the strength on the bands; two, as a fuck you to Denver.
I do love you Denver. But you didn’t turn up and that disappoints me. Some bands don’t deserve our support. But tonight’s did. All three of these bands played tonight as if they needed it.
Even though they don’t. Except maybe newcomers Mercy Music.
I bought two shirts at tonight’s show – I’ve never done that! Buy two of mine so I break even. Winky face.