GA: This Has Been The Best Night Of My Life

Thanks to paaaate for doing on this Guest Article what I couldn’t – my job. He’s got the vibes and I’m sure you can find him lurking in places he shouldn’t, like fucking Instagram.


After a long, long week, I had no idea how this show would go. But what a special treat amongst the business!

I spent a day at Denver’s very humid and smelly global dance festival and a day at the Underground Music Showcase. Those killed my back, feet, and inspiration. I had no idea tonight’s show would be the exact pep to the step I needed.

I walked through the door with two goals: introduce myself to the lovely bands, and purchase a limited x/100 Streetlight Manifesto poster to add to my collection (I was early and got #7!).

Rebuilder are very much down to earth, as seen with them running their own merch. Or maybe lead singer Sal, former Streetlight Manifesto merch runner, REALLY REALLY loves merch sales and just accidentally finds himself center stage every night.

The community pulled through on this one. Blast N Scrap lent the boys amps and a drum kit for the night. This is something I love seeing and it warms my little heart. Also, the “Local Support” poster behind them was the name of the album: these boys are Boston-based and not in fact “Local Support”.

Once the set started rolling I had a couple of favorites: Le Grande Fromage and Stayin’ Alive. The former shitting on Streetlight’s hometown and the latter making me question what else there is to do besides stayin’ alive. Both went straight into the liked songs playlist for later.

Where the night was already great, Streetlight made it The Best Night Of My Life.

I originally found Streetlight Manifesto in the same position a lot of people might. I was in high school, going to fail, my home life was not a stable one, and I had no plans for college, or anything. What I didn’t know I needed was a voice to tell me I’m worth it; Streetlight Manifesto was that voice. The first three songs happened in a flash. I’m not sure a smile left my face the entire time.

After the photo pit, I started making my rounds shooting from the balconies when A Better Place, A Better Time started playing. What a shot in the feels! I used to want to wake up in a better place, at a better time.

I’m there now, and the bittersweetness of the moment shed a tear straight through my mascara. It all flashed back, all of the passion I needed, distilled from a band, into music. If you know me, you know you know my body is drawn to crowd surfing like moth to flame. Tonight it happened to be to “We Are the Few”. I remember listening to my CDs till they were scratched to shit. Somehow, enough time had passed that these songs carry new meaning, for a new future. I am so hopeful thanks to this music. This has been the best night in my lifeā€¦(for now)

Again, shout out to paaaate! If you want to see more from him, others, myself, don’t forget to support and subscribe!

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