My Challenge To You

Sometimes, even on good days, you have bad moments. At the beginning of IDLES and Ganser, I was caught up in a bad moment. A confusing moment. Surrounded by unpredictability that might upset people who thrive on structure.

I left IDLES and Ganser joyful and fulfilled. And that’s where the title comes in – my challenge to you, the person reading this, is during the day purposely do things that make you feel like shit.

And that’s it, that’s the challenge.

Just kidding. At night, go see Ganser and IDLES. The challenge is to leave the venue still upset and angry. It’s a very difficult challenge.

Positivity and gratitude will be spread throughout the night. So much so that you won’t be able to help but feel it.

Valiant showmanship will have you literally catching guitarists and sitting on the floor. I guess unless you’re on the upper balcony. Lee Kiernan can’t jump that far and the Boulder Theater has seats up there. You’ll already be sitting.

Friendliness and rock will make you think you’re back in London at the 100 Club. Which, coincidentally, is a club I’ve been to. It’s very small and very British but has a rich history that I won’t bore you with but I definitely know. Point being: it’s a British punk club and IDLES are British and raw.

And even when you end the night at the merch booth, the positivity will infect you.

But the funnest part about the night is that I’ve been looking for a band like IDLES for the past few weeks. An aggressive, punky, angry, crunchy band. And now I found it. And it’s smothered in positivity for an added bonus.

Hi Dave from Aurora!

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