Nasty as FUCK

That’s what some dude said to me. Anyways, it’s February, or basically February, which means I’ve already failed in my resolutions. I guess I’ll wait until next year for another attempt. But in the interim, buckle up bitches – it’s time to get this shit rolling.

We’re gonna have a little talk about the legends that are Too Many Zooz. Not to disrespect to their opener Cloudchord, but despite being in Colorado, I just wasn’t high enough for that. There’s a certain level of inebriation needed to properly enjoy a multi-instrumentalist who plays wavy and fluffy progressions over simple beats, but I was not at that level of inebriation. I was at a 0 level of inebriation. Because of that, I feel like it would be a super dick move to opine this talented musician.

You didn’t play to ME and only ME? You suck! I wasn’t as high as literally everyone else, be better!

Yeah, I’m not going to do that. Instead, I’m going to ask you, my loyal readers: get high, watch him play, leave a comment about what it’s like. In the meantime, here’s a photo of what I believe it’s like. Again, I was sober, so this is just an “artist’s rendition”:

(Although that duet was absolutely magical and required zero inebriation on my part to get jiggy).

But Too Many Zooz, man, that’s a band you don’t need to be high to enjoy. If you don’t know, they went viral about a decade ago for playing really fun music in New York’s subway. And then they went viral again. And again. And… you get the idea.

And it’s evident why. See, when you’re in the busy NYC subway, you have to be entertaining enough to stop people on their way to work but not super fucking annoying so that they trash your instruments. That’s a very thin line to weave. But Too Many Zooz wove that line numerous times.

Because they know what we want. They’re like water benders on stage and the crowd their ocean. If your venue has two floors, go to the top at some point and watch. During quiet bits, the crowd gently sways. During intense bits, they storm. It’s crazy. It’s cool. It almost seems like just a bit too many Zooz.

And it’s also still trippy. What more would you expect when you have three talented musicians, two of whom are playing nasty brass instruments, one of whom that never loses time, jamming together in sync and on stage?

It’s rhythmic; it’s funky; but also, it’s this:

Anyways, look, just because Too Many Zooz graduated from the trains to the stage doesn’t mean they lost the magic that brought them up. It’s oxymoronic watching them make music so effortlessly while putting in massive effort on stage. And it’s pretty fucking cool being transported back in time, to when they first went viral, and seeing nothing has changed because they know their audience so well.

They’re still funky. Still full of energy. Still fun to watch. Still nasty as fuck.

I know my shirts aren’t as cool as theirs are, but without your support, I can’t leave you in the dust to buy cooler shirts.

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