Searching for The Wldlfe

John Tyler. Yueku. The Wldlfe. Who the fuck are these groups?

The only band in this lineup I kinda knew was Yueku. And that’s only because I’m an avid reader of, and that dude loves posting about them. But what about the others? I’m in the dark!

Because of that, it was vital to go into this show with an open mind. An open heart. And maybe an open body (if they asked nicely). So that’s what I did. And I found out exactly who all these groups were.

John Tyler (spelled JØHN TYLER) and his Danger Boys are apparently some pretty fucking popular blokes. Like, I found myself saying, “da fuck”, multiple times. How does this crowd know John Tyler’s songs? How are they singing along to his lyrics? What da fuck is going on? This is such a foreign world to me!

And then he said those magic words. Three magic words that explained everything.

“I’m from Denver.”

Imagine this is what was happening when he threw in that little fact.

I thought he was on tour with the others! But no, he’s a good ol’ Denver boy. No wonder people knew his music. Denver reps Denver. If you have a Denver band open your show, there’s a good chance they’ll bring some hardcore motherfuckers with them. Which is what the sexier JT did.

Then the man of the hour showed up (if you’re an avid reader of of course) – Yueku. The man of a thousand faces.

Wait, no, that’s his dummer. Yueku is just the man with one face.

That makes at least 2.

Yueku has just the one young face that’s adorable on stage. But not young as in his age (although he probably is pretty young in that sense too), but in the fact that this is his first ever tour. And for some reason, it’s adorable. Maybe it’s because he’s a natural musician slash entertainer. Maybe it’s because you can feel the heart he puts into his work. Maybe it’s because he put something in the ventilation system and got us all really high. Like meth.

Whatever the reason, I’ll tell you one thing: the chick in front of me went batshit crazy when Yueku mentioned he was playing songs off Catch Me If You Can. Like, batshit crazy. Girl, you know you’re like Yueku’s biggest fan in Colorado, right?

Well, maybe. She wasn’t alone. Two more girls did the same exact thing later in the night. I guess you guys need to battle it in the ring too to find out who is truly Yueku’s biggest Colorado fan!

Closing out the quick night was a small little indie emo rock punk band called The Wldlfe, who brought their auditorium scale stage show to… Globe Hall BBQ (and music).

I went in knowing fuck all about these dudes, but I left the venue a fucking fan.

Well, maybe more of a guilty pleasure fan. I’m not emo, I can’t connect to that music. What’s the deal with breakups and high school drama? I don’t know. Maybe if they sang about landlords instead of ex girlfriends I’d understand it more?

All my friends fuckin’ hate you
You left me for someone brand new
You like to hide behind your lies
They got my back, you don’t got mine
Yeah, all my friends fuckin’ hate you
(And I think I do too)

Shit, when did they my landlord? But seriously, if they were playing another show, I would sneak in. I wouldn’t tell anyone, but if I saw someone I knew inside, I wouldn’t hide from them.

Although it helps I don’t know anyone in Denver.

In fact, I know this is crazy, but I would add them to the must see list. Which only has two bands on it now. But both those bands are bands where their recordings just don’t do their live set justice. And the only way to truly appreciate their music is to first see them live and make those memories. And then relive those memories every time you hear their music.

Hi Will. Sorry about Daisy.

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