The Healz/The Swashbuckling Doctors/Skank Williams live at The Lion’s Lair

Was it a smart idea to go to a ska show knowing I had to wake up at 7am the next morning? Not sure. Ask me tomorrow.

Update: Smart? No. Regretful? Also no.

Whenever I go to a show on Colfax, I arrive early and go to Voodoo Doughnuts because I’m a fat ass. Which is exactly what I did. But what I didn’t predict was running into a local legend outside! His name is Chabez. He’s homeless. And apparently he wrote Black Magic Woman. Crazy, right?! I met the guy who wrote that classic song!

I bought him takeout. Did I do that because he’s homeless and hungry? Or because he very much obviously wrote Black Magic Woman and I want him to write me a hit?

Anyways, on to the show. It went The Healz, The Swashbuckling Doctors, Skank Williams. I won’t remind you again so keep that straight. Or not. It is Pride Month after all.

You only have one set of ears. Protect them.

The Healz reminded me of the younger brother who always gets the shit end of the stick and always gets blamed for shit and chooses to rebel in a huge way against his parents by throwing away his well paying degree in favour of… shit, sorry, got a bit personal at the end there.

Look, as soon as The Healz started their set, I knew going to this show was the right decision. Future me can get fucked and inject coffee and Red Bull if he needs to.

Update: I didn’t inject anything but I did drink stuff.

Let me set the stage for The Swashbuckling Doctors. They’re a 6 piece and the stage is not.

If The Healz were the rebellious brother, The Swashbuckling Doctors were the extroverted sibling, but like, the one that everyone likes. They’re fun and probably wouldn’t have stayed on the stage even if it was big enough. Because why do that when you can, I don’t know, play from the bathroom? Good acoustics, good smells, free water!

As the show progressed, their lead singer kept removing clothing. And to be honest, I didn’t know if I should be worried or excited that it all might come off. But I was glad I had a camera if it did.

It didn’t, but I was ready. I’m always ready. There’s no hiding from my camera.

Skank Williams closed out the show. They’re like the cool cousin who’s cool because they don’t listen to your mom and own an organ. And they use that organ which is fun but also it’s just a keyboard. And when they’re supposed to end their set they go “no” and repeat the same section of song over and over but it’s ok because people are still dancing en masse and then before it gets too obnoxious they end it because they’re professionals.

Which future me who has to wake up early very much appreciates.

And they call out AEG and Livenation multiple times during their set. Which is important because fuck AEG and Livenation. If you’ve ever wanted to know how easy it is to impress me, this is how. This is how easy it is. Fuck AEG and Livenation.

Don’t expect me to end this with rankings and ratings and bullshit. If you’re a fan of ska, why weren’t you there? If you’re not a fan of ska, why would you be there? It’s not black and white, it’s music. God damn. Go find them on Spotify or whatever kids use these days and make up your own damn mind.

You know what? Fuck it. I’ll do the heavy lifting for you.

The Healz on Facebook.
Swashbuckling Doctors on Spotify.
Skank Williams on Spotify.

Let me know where to go next! Your show? Your mom’s show? Your brother’s show? Your bigoted neighbour’s show? I hate bigots. But I’ll go.

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