What’s the difference between unknown local bands and well known touring bands?

I know this sounds like the setup to a bad joke, but it’s all I could think about watching Cig Freud, Rosebay, Liquid Chicken. Three not very well known local bands on one stage. But what sets them apart from a band like, I don’t know, Boundaries? Besides for genre of course.

Well buckle the fuck up buttercup, because I’m going to 100% answer that question unequivocally and without fault. Take notes unknown local bands.

The first thing I noticed was how personal the bands were with the crowds. Local bands get nervous, see their friends in the crowd, banter, lose their nerves, rock and roll. It’s expected. But when a well known touring band does it – gets personal with the audience – it’s fucking awesome as fuck! Surely fame isn’t the only factor? Because that would be dumb as fuck.

Perhaps it’s because one group does it to calm their nerves and another group does it out of excitement that they can still pay their bills with their music?

If this is his boyfriend, I hope he’s not British

The second thing I noticed was the emotion. Everyone loves a good face full of emotion and all three bands, Cig Freud, Rosebay, Liquid Chicken, had it. It was great to see. How come that gets overlooked when you’re young and unknown but not when you’re old and famous? Emotion is emotion and emotion is contagious!

Perhaps it’s easier to be excited and energetic when you’re just starting out versus when you’ve been playing the same shit for decades and we pick up on that as an audience?

If I told you this guy plays sold out shows every night, you’d believe me. But he doesn’t because he’s in a somehow unknown local band

It’s definitely not a lack of talent either. If you could break your E string… somehow… on a bass… and play like you didn’t, that’s talent. If you could do a flawless set after only a couple rehearsals, that’s talent.

Liquid Chicken pulled out some cover songs, and I finally found a stark difference – known songs! Well known bands have well known songs you belt along to. Unknown bands don’t. They’re unknown.

But that can’t be the only difference. If having known songs was the difference between an unknown local band and a well known touring band, all you would have to do is blare your boombox down the street all day every day until people know your music. And that never happens so… what are we missing?

I thought about this all show. It’s strange seeing capable talents doing the slow grind when there’s successful bands phoning it in each night.

Like, come on, there’s bands phoning it in at Mission Ballroom! Cig Freud, Rosebay, and Liquid Chicken played Fox Theatre. I bet you those three local bands put in more heart, soul, and emotion than a lot of bands on tour right now.

Anyways, here’s my guide for how unknown bands can turn into well known touring bands.

1) Get expensive props, like t shirt guns that shoot blended chicken innards.
2) Get expensive lights to add to the venue lights.
3) Get one song on rotation everywhere you want to play so people know it.
4) Buy a van, for what is a touring band but just a local band with a van?

Apparently, the only thing separating unknowns from knowns is money. Groovy. Anyways, Liquid Chicken has a new album coming out July 4th and I’d recommend you hit up literally any local show instead of seeing old as fuck phone salesmen. And if you think you know what separates the grinders from the legends, let me know in the comments! I’m eager to hear.

If you want to see me bitch more about egotistical bands or give more dumb advice for deserving bands, join my mailing list! It’s free and even I’m on it! My score isn’t great. I sometimes don’t open the weekly email. My bad… self?

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